According to his Amavasyant Panchang of South India, Maha Shivratri is celebrated on his 14th day of his dark fortnight in the month of Maga. Meanwhile, according to the Northern Indian calendar (Purnimant Panchang), Mahashivaratri's conflict occurs on his 14th day of the dark fortnight of Farghan month.
According to both North Panchangam and South Panchangam Maha Shivaratri takes place on the same day. Therefore, Gregorian calendar dates remain the same throughout India. On this day, Shiva devotees worship Shiva by offering bael leaves to their brothers, fasting and staying conscious throughout the night.
Mahashivratri Vrat Scripture Rules
To see Mahashivratri Vrat (fasting), the following guidelines are quoted in the scriptures. His eighth Mukhrat of the Night is known as Nishitkar. In other words, Mahahi Shivratri is celebrated only on the day when his 8th Mukhrat of his night falls on the first day Chaturdha Sitithi.
two Chaturdhasithi the next day he reaches the first stage of Nisit Kaal and Maha Shivratri is celebrated on the first day Nisit Kaal comes fully under his Chaturdhasithi on the first day.
three Other than the two conditions above, Quick tracks consistently the next day.
The Legend Behind Maha Shivaratri Vrat
Many stories are known about Shivaratri. According to reports, Goddess Parvati underwent arduous penance to integrate Lord Shiva into her marriage. The mythological text states: - As a result of their challenging efforts, Lord Shiva and Ma Parvati were bought to marry on the 14th day of Dark Fortnite in Falgan. Done. I have a
. That is why Maha Her Shivratri is considered so important and auspicious.
In any case, the Garuda Purana speaks only of the importance of this day. One day a hunter went hunting with his dog, but he didn't buy anything. Exhausted and hungry, he sat down by the pond. Once upon a time Shiva, his lingam under the bilva tree. To relax his body, he took some leaves from this tree. After one accidentally fell on his brother, he poured pond water over his toes to calm him down. Eventually, some of the extra water obtained was blown to Shivalingam, where one of his arrows fell.To select it, he bowed to Shivalingam. Therefore, on the day of Shivaratri, he unknowingly performed the whole system of Shiva Puja. After his death, when Yamaji came here to obtain his soul, people from Shiva's navy came to protect him.
Mahashivratri Vrat Puja Vidhi
Fill a clay pot with water or milk. Place bael leaves, daturak plants, rice, etc. on top of the shivalin.
2 On this day, Shiv Purana must be chanted and his five-letter mantra of Mahamurichunjaya or Shivaomnamashivaya. Also, you should stay asleep on the night of Maha Shivratri.
3 According to classical rituals, 'Nisit Kaal' is the best time for Maha Shivratri to perform pujang. However, the devotee is free to conduct pujas on all four of his placards at night.
Astrological View of Maha Shivratri
Lord of Chaturda City (14 days after him in Panchan in Hinduism) is Shiva himself (celebrated as monthly Shiva Night). In astrological classics, this day is considered very auspicious. According to the Mathematics Department of Astrology calculations, Maha Shivratri occupies the area where the Sun arrives at Uttarayana and the seasonal trading continues. According to astrology, the moon darkens on the 14th day. Worshiping Lord Shiva empowers the worshiper's moon just as Lord Shiva has the moon fixed on his forehead. The moon is a symbol of spirits, so it has additional benefits.